Physical and Academic Self-Perspective in Children from Marginalized Contexts in México


  • Martha Leticia Gaeta González Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
  • Judith Cavazos Arroyo



Identidad, alimentación escolar, pobreza


This study examined physical and academic self-perspective and how it relates to certain sociocultural variables, namely diet, physical exercise, and concern about obesity and physical appearance in 500 5th- and 6th-grade elementary school students. A non-experimental, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in two marginalized contexts in Mexico. Cluster analyses were performed to identify student profiles in accordance with the sociocultural variables of the study. The results show generally low levels of physical and academic self-perspective, despite some significant differences between the sexes. The cluster analysis also produced two groups: one with greater awareness and one with less awareness of the nutritional value of the food they eat from the school snack shop.


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