Theory of Academic Capitalism in Higher Education Studies




Academic capitalism, higher education, educational theory, bibliometry

Supporting Agencies:

Proyecto FONDECYT N° 1180746 - Sistema universitario chileno, gobernanza del capitalismo académico y calidad de las instituciones


The purpose of this article is to examine the diffusion and reception of the Anglo-American theory of academic capitalism in the specialized literature on higher education. First, documents indexed in Google Scholar that in their title include the terms “academic capitalism” in English, and their corresponding translations into Spanish and Portuguese, are identified and their impact in the specialized literature assessed through citation accounting. Further, the conceptual characteristics and content of these documents are examined. The results show differences in the use of academic capitalism theory. While in the Anglo-American literature this theory is used for empirical analysis and theory building, in the case of Spanish and Portuguese it becomes, without any adaptation of that theory, a medium for describing and critically assessing the present state of Latin-American higher education. In the concluding part, some research challenges are presented.


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