Spatial Analysis of the National Evaluation of Scholastic Achievement (ENLACE) in Schools of the Municipality of Juarez, Chihuahua


  • Luis Ernesto Cervera Gómez Dirección General del Noroeste El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
  • Gilberto Martín Lizárraga Bustamante Dirección General del Noroeste El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
  • Claudia Paola Sánchez Guillén Dirección General del Noroeste El Colegio de la Frontera Norte


High-stakes test, academic achievement, schools, geographical information system.


This research was focused on analyzing the results of the first National Assessment of Academic Achievement for Scholar Centers (ENLACE; acronym in Spanish) applied during the year 2006 in the Municipality of Juarez (State of Chihuahua, Mexico). In order to conduct the spatial analysis a geographical information system (GIS) was used to make a georeferenced database were all variables were connected to a point representing a school. Results of the examinations expressed as deficient, elemental, good en excellent were spatially distributed over the urban area of Ciudad Juárez. Apparently there is a high spatial correlation between ENLACE’s results with the socioeconomic level of people. In this way results going from good to excellent were spatially located over the sectors more developed of the city. Poor results going from Insufficient to Elemental were spatially located at places with higher deficits of infrastructure and low socioeconomic levels.


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