Translation and Adaptation of Tests: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Countries Participating in timss, pisa and other International Comparisons


  • Guillermo Solano-Flores School of Education University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Luis Ángel Contreras Niño Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
  • Eduardo Backhoff Escudero Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Educativo Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


Educational tests, international tests, test translation, TIMSS, PISA.


In this paper we present a conceptual model and methodology for the review of translated tests in the context of such international comparisons as the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). We also present the results of an investigation into the quality of the Mexican translation of the TIMSS-1995 into the Spanish language. We identified translation errors in a significant percentage of the items, as well as relatively high correlations between the severity of translation errors and the items’ p-values. These findings indicate that our error-coding system is highly sensitive to test-translation error. The results underscore the need for improved translation and translation-review procedures in international comparisons. In our opinion, to implement the guidelines properly for test translation in international comparisons, each participating country needs to have internal procedures that would ensure a rigorous review of its own translations. The article concludes with four recommendations for countries participating in international comparisons. These recommendations relate to: (a) the characteristics of the individuals in charge of translating instruments; (b) the use of review, not simply at the end of the process, but during the process of test translation; (c) the minimum time needed for various translation review iterations to take place; and (d) the need for proper documentation of the entire process of test translation.


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