Elementary School Students’ Understanding of Metaphors


  • Gabriela Calderón Guerrero Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Cynthia Maldonado Ahumada Colegio México Nuevo
  • Sofía Vernon Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro




Cognición, lenguaje, comprensión, metáforas.

Supporting Agencies:

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


This paper aims to describe the development of children’s understanding of metaphors and the type of part-whole relationships they are capable of establishing when solving puzzles. The study was carried out with 30 students from a federal elementary school in the state of Querétaro, Mexico: 10 second-year students, 10 fourth-year students and 10 sixth-year students. They were asked to answer four metaphorical puzzles and explain what information they had taken into account to arrive at their answers. The results show that: a) children’s understanding of metaphors increases with their school year, and b) participants from higher years tend to establish more comprehensive and coherent part-whole relationships than students from lower years, which allows them to better understand metaphors in puzzles. The results confirm findings by Calderón (2012) and Calderón, Vernon and Carrillo (2012).


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