Editorial policy
- Code of ethics
- Digital Preservation Policy
- Open-Access Policy
- Interoperability Protocols
- Roles and Responsibilities of editorial bodies
Code of ethics
REDIE subscribes to the code of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at publicationethics.org, for the conduct and practice of all those involved in this journal’s publication process (editors, Editorial Committee, authors, and reviewers).
Digital Preservation Policy
REDIE has back-up procedures in place to ensure the accessibility and preservation of publications:
- Assignment of a persistent digital identifier to each article (DOI).
- Digital preservation metadata (Crossref, DOAJ, Dialnet, and REDIB)
- Regular back-up copies.
Open Journal Systems is also compatible with theLOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system, ensuring a permanent and secure archive for the journal. LOCKSS is an open-source program developed by Stanford University Libraries that allows libraries to preserve selected online journals by regularly searching registered journals to compile newly published content and archive it. Each file is continually validated with records from other libraries, so any corrupted or missing content can be restored from these records or from the journal itself.
See the LOCKSS Manifiesto de Publicación
Open-Access Policy
REDIE is an open-access publication that shares content under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial (CC-BY NC 4.0 Internacional) license.
With the goal of promoting the development of research in education and as part of the commitment that comes with being the first fully electronic educational research journal in Latin America, at REDIE we believe in leveraging technology to disseminate scientific and academic knowledge. This can be achieved through a policy that supports the electronic distribution of this kind of literature with no financial restrictions.
In this spirit, REDIE does not charge authors for publishing their work, nor does it charge users for reading it.
REDIE has adhered to the Budapest Open Access Initiative since November 2004, starting with volume 6(2).
Authors publishing in REDIE agree to the following conditions:
- All articles published in REDIE are shared on an open-access basis and available online free of charge in PDF, EPUB, HTML, and XML formats.
- Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, authors are permitted and encouraged to disseminate electronically the reviewed and accepted version (postprint) on their personal website or in an institutional repository, with a reference to the fact it has been “accepted by the journal” and an indication of the volume in which it will be included. Once the article has been published, authors will be required to substitute their work with the final version available in PDF format on the journal’s website. There is no embargo period; authors have full freedom to share the PDF file publicly by any means as soon as the work is published by the journal.
Interoperability Protocols
This journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other information services and portals to access the metadata for published content.
OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata
URL for harvesters:
Roles and responsibilities of editorial bodies
Roles and responsibilities of the editorial board
- Encourage the national and international academic community to submit work to the journal for publication.
- Suggest academic guidelines for the journal’s editorial policy.
- Help to select reviewers for submissions and discuss the best options for reviewers when necessary.
- Decide on the relevance of publishing material received, based on experts’ opinions.
- Approve content proposed for each issue of the journal.
- Review and evaluate each issue published.
- Work together with the appropriate bodies to maintain the established frequency of publication.
Roles and responsibilities of the editor
- Coordinate actions conducive to fulfilling the journal’s objectives.
- Achieve a high academic standard in the content published.
- Receive work proposed for publication and request reviews.
- Ensure that reviewers’ recommendations are followed.
- Inform authors of the current stage of submissions in the editorial process.
- Inform the Editorial Committee of the refereeing process of all material received, taking care to ensure confidentiality.
- Make suggestions to the Editorial Committee on the content of each issue, on the basis of texts proofread and approved at the time.
- Plan and coordinate the journal’s editorial production process.
- Oversee the technical processing of material approved by the Editorial Committee, once the established academic requirements have been met.
- Oversee the proofreading and technical quality of the journal.
- Work in collaboration to maintain the established frequency of publication and to ensure that the dissemination and distribution of each issue begins during the first month of the corresponding period.
Authors' responsibilities
- Redundant or duplicate publication
- By submitting a manuscript, authors warrant that the work has not previously been published in the form sent to REDIE (without exception). If the paper is accepted, authors agree to take care to ensure that reference is made to REDIE as the journal of first publication in any subsequent dissemination of the article, and that the citation correctly states REDIE’s details and any DOI assigned.
- Funding and declaration of possible conflicts of interest
- Authors must report any business relationship, material or financial support received while researching, drafting or publishing the article, or any potential economic interest in relation to the topic of the article that may give rise to a conflict of interest. If there is no funding, the document must include a statement to the effect that the authors were not sponsored to conduct the research. Authors with no conflict of interest relating to the study topic must also declare that no conflict of interest of any kind exists in relation to the topic of the work. This information must be prominently placed at the end of the contribution.
- Obtaining permission
- Authors who wish to reproduce previously published material (text, tables or figures) in their paper are directly responsible for securing the relevant permission to reproduce this material in the journal. Authors must have obtained written permission from the publisher of the material, proof of which must be submitted to the journal. Authors who remain unsure how to proceed may contact REDIE’s editors for support.
- Declaration of originality
- Authors shall declare that the content of the manuscript is original, has not been previously published, and is not under consideration nor has been submitted for consideration in any other form of publication, whether in full or in part. To do otherwise would constitute a serious breach of scientific ethics.
Responsibilities of reviewers
- Agree to only review manuscripts within their area of expertise, in order to ensure proper assessment;
- Declare any conflict of interest at the beginning of the process. Reviewers who believe they may know the identity of the author(s) must inform the journal if this knowledge may represent a conflict of interest.
- Decline reviewing assignments immediately if they are unable to deliver in the agreed time frame.
- Issue an assessment based on the paper’s originality, its contribution to the field, the methodology employed, the relevance and recency of the bibliography used, and the style, coherence and quality of the structure and drafting of the manuscript.
- Inform the journal immediately if, during the evaluation, they find they lack the experience necessary to evaluate all aspects of the text.
- Their comments will be objective, specific and constructive.
- Clearly state their acceptance, conditional acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
- Issue their opinion within the agreed time frame.
- Respect confidentiality during and after the evaluation process.
- They may suggest new sources related to the article, as long as they are not of their own authorship.
- Refrain from using content from manuscripts reviewed or under review.
- Refrain from involving others in the review entrusted to them.
- Notify the journal if they find any similarities to other manuscripts they have reviewed or if they discover any form of plagiarism.
- Reviewers may not delegate the responsibility for conducting a review to any other person, including assistants and colleagues.