Technopedagogical Design of Electronic Learning Portfolios: An Experience with Undergraduate Students
Portafolios electrónicos, diseño tecnopedagógico, estudiantes universitarios.Abstract
In this article the technopedagogical design of electronic learning portfolios with eighteen undergraduate psychology students is reported. The e-portfolio model is based on the approach of situated learning and authentic assessment, and relies on the metaphors of the portfolio as mirror, map and sonnet. It includes a description of the e-portfolio; the skills and learnings expected of the student; key questions for reflection; minimum input required; the type of evidence or artifacts expected; and the technological resources employed. Examples of the students’ reflections and of the self-assessments and co-assessments performed are provided. The findings suggest that e-learning portfolios enable the recovery and systematization of learning productions and experiences, and can function as a tool for monitoring learning as well as for reflection on the individual’s own professional identity, personal and academic trajectory.Downloads
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Barrett, H. (2001). Electronic teaching portfolios. Consultado en
Colén, M. T., Giné, N. e Imbernón, F. (2006). La carpeta de aprendizaje del alumnado universitario. Barcelona: Octaedro.
Cooper, J. M. (1999). Classroom teaching skills. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Chen, H. y Light, T. (2010). Electronic portfolios and student success: Effectiveness, efficiency and learning. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges and Universities.
Darling-Hammond, L., Ancess, J. y Falk, B. (1995). Authentic assessment in action. Studies of schools and students at work. Nueva York: Teachers College Press.
Díaz Barriga, F. (2006). Enseñanza situada: vínculo entre la escuela y la vida. México: McGraw-Hill.
Díaz Barriga, F. y Pérez Rendón, M. M. (2010). El portafolio docente a escrutinio: sus posibilidades y restricciones en la formación y evaluación del profesorado.
Observar, 4, 6-27. Consultado en
Gibson, D. y Barrett, H. (2003). Directions in electronic portfolio development. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 2(4), 559-576.
Gregori Giralt, E. (2009). La carpeta de aprendizaje, qué, cómo y por qué. Observar, 3, 55-88. Consultado en
Herman, J. L., Aschbacher, P. R. y Winters, L. (1992). A practical guide to alternative assessment. Virginia, EUA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Joyes, G., Gray, G. y Hartnell-Young, E. (2010). Effective practice with e-portfolios: How can the UK experience inform implementation? Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(1), 15-27.
Kalz, M. (2005). Building eclectic personal learning landscapes with open source tools. En F. de Vries, G. Attwell, R. Elferink y A. Tödt (Eds.). Open Source for Education in Europe. Research & Practice (pp. 163-168).
Klenkowski, V. (2007). Desarrollo de portafolios para el aprendizaje y la evaluación. Procesos y principios. Madrid: Narcea.
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