Algunas características de investigaciones que estudian la integración de las TIC en la clase de Ciencia
Palabras clave:
Tecnologías de la información, metodología de la investigación, comunidades de aprendizaje.Resumen
En los últimos años ha aumentado el interés por el estudio de la mediación tecnológica en los procesos educativos de todos los niveles de enseñanza. En este trabajo se comunican las características encontradas en las investigaciones actuales sobre ambientes de aprendizaje que integran las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la clase de Ciencia. El análisis de las investigaciones emplea la técnica heurística V de Gowin, como una estrategia metacognitiva que permite identificar los aspectos relevantes del proceso de investigación. Se revisaron y describieron los diferentes trabajos seleccionados para determinar las tendencias actuales en el estudio de procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje con tecnologías. Se pudo identificar que la mayoría de los trabajos analizados estudian los aspectos asociados con la efectividad didáctica del uso de las TIC y sólo unos pocos hacen referencia a los procesos interactivos que emergen de actividades de aprendizaje.Descargas
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Araujo, I. S., Veit, E. A. y Moreira, M. A. (2008). Physics students´ performance using computational modeling activities to improve kinematics graphs interpretation. Computers & Education, 50(4), 1128-1140.
Araujo, I., Veit, E. y Moreira, M. (2004). Atividades de modelagem computacional no ausílio à interpretação de gráficos da Cinemática. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 26(2), 179-184.
Bohigas, X., Jaén, J. y Novell, M. (2003). Applets e la enseñanza de la Física. Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 21(3), 463-472.
Cole, M. y Engeström, Y. (1993). A cultural-historical approach to distributed cognition, en G. Salomon (Comp.), Distributed cognitions. Psychological and educational considerations. Inglaterra: Cambridge University Press.
Coll, C., Mauri, T. y Onrubia, J. (2005). Technology and pedagogical practices: ICT as mediation tolos in joint teacher-student activity. Trabajo presentado en la American Educational Research Association 2005 Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canadá.
Cronjé, J. C. y Fouche, J. (2008). Alternatives in evaluating multimedia in secondary school science teaching. Computers & Education, 51(2), 485-968.
Dede, C. (Comp.). (2000). Aprendiendo con tecnología. Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Demetriadis, S. N., Papadopoulos, P. M., Stamelos, I. G. y Fischer, F. (2008). The effect of scaffolding students’ context-generating cognitive activity in technology-enhanced case-based learning. Computers & Education, 51(2), 939-954.
Dickey, M. (2008). Integrating cognitive apprenticeship methods in a Web-based educational technology course for P-12 teacher education. Computers & Education, 51(2), 506-518.
Dix, A., Roselli, T. y Sutinen, E. (2006). E-learning and human-computer interaction: Exploring design synergies for more effective learning experiences. Educational Technology & Society, 9(4), 1-2.
Evans, C. y Gibbons, N. J. (2007). The interactivity effect in multimedia learning. Computers & Education, 49(4), 1147–1160.
Gerjets, P. y Hesse, F. (2004). When are powerful learning environments effective? The role of learner activities and of students’ conceptions of educational technology. International Journal of Educational Research, 41, 445-465.
Gomes, T. y Ferracioli L. (2006). A investigação da construção de modelos no estudo de um tópico de Física utilizando um ambiente de modelagem computacional qualitativo. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 28(4), 453-461.
Heckler, V., Oliveira Saraiva, M. F. y Oliveira Filho, K. S. (2007). Uso de simuladores, imagens e animaç?es como ferramentas auxiliares no ensino/ aprendizagem de óptica. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 29(2), 267-273.
Hennessy, S., Wishart, J., Whitelock, D., Deaney, R., Brawn, R., la Velle, L., McFarlane, A., Ruthven, K. y Winterbottom, M. (2007). Pedagogical approaches for technology-integrated science teaching. Computers & Education, 48(1), 137-152.
Hrastinski, S. y Keller, C. (2007). An Examination of research approaches that underlie research on educational technology: A review from 2000 to 2004. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 36(2), 175-190.
Johsua, S. y Dupin, J. (2005). Introducción a la didáctica de las Ciencias y la Matemática. Buenos Aires: Colihue.
Jonassen, D. (2000). El diseño de entornos constructivistas de Aprendizaje, en C. Reigeluth (ed.), Diseño de la Instrucción. Teorías y modelos. Madrid: Santillana.
Jonassen, D. H. y Carr, C. (1998). Computers as mindtools for engaging learners in critical thinking. TechTrends, 43(2), 24-32
Kablan, Z. y Erden, M., (2008), Instructional efficiency of integrated and separated text with animated presentations in computer-based science instruction. Computers & Education, 51(2), 660-668.
Komis, V., Ergazaki, M. y Zogza, V. (2007). Comparing computer-supported dynamic modeling and ‘paper & pencil’ concept mapping technique in students’ collaborative activity. Computers & Education, 49, 991–1017.
Kong, S. C. (2008). The development of a cognitive tool for teaching and learning fractions in the mathematics classroom: A design-based study. Computers & Education, 51(2), 886-899.
Kozma, R. (2003). The material features of multiples representations and their cognitive and social affordances for science understanding. Learning and Instruction, 13, 205-226.
López-Morteo, G. y López, G. (2007). Computer support for learning mathematics: A learning environment based on recreational learning objects. Computers & Education, 48(4), 618–641.
Luckin, R. (2008). The learner centric ecology of resources: A framework for using technology to scaffold learning. Computers & Education, 50(2), 449-462.
Mcinnerney, J. M. y Roberts, T. (2004). Online learning: Social interaction and the creation of sense of community. Educational Technology & Society, 7(3), 73-81.
Moallem, M. (2001). Applying constructivist and objectivist learning theories in the design of a Web-based course: Implications for practice. Educational Technology & Society, 4(3).
Munneke, L., Van Amelsvoort, M. y Andriessen, J. (2003). The role of diagrams in collaborative argumentation-based learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 39, 113-131.
Novak, J. D. y Gowin, D. B. (1988). Aprendiendo a aprender. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.
Özmen, H. (2008). The influence of computer-assisted instruction on student’ conceptual understanding of chemical bonding and attitude toward chemistry: A case for Turkey. Computers & Education, 51(1), 423-438.
Philip, D. (2007). The knowledge building paradigm: A model of learning for net generation students. Innovateonline: Journal of online Education, 3(5).
Raeside, L., Busschots, B., Waddington, S. y Keating, J. G. (2008). An online image analysis tool for science education. Computers & Education, 50(2), 547-558.
Rezende, F. y de Souza Barros, S. (2008). Students’ navigation patterns in the interaction with a mechanics hypermedia program. Computers & Education, 50(4), 1370-1382.
Schepers, J. (2008). Psychological safety and social support in groupware adoption: A multi-level assessment in education. Computers & Education, 51(2), 757-775.
Stevenson, I. (2008). Tool, tutor, environment or resource: Exploring metaphors for digital technology and pedagogy using activity theory. Computers & Education, 51(2), 836-853.
Sun, K., Lin, Y. y Yu, Ch. (2008). A study on learning effect among different learning styles in a web-based lab of science for elementary school students. Computers & Education, 50(4), 1411-1422.
Syh-Jong, J. (2008). Innovations in science teacher education: Effects of integrating technology and team-teaching strategies. Computers & Education, 51(2), 646-659.
Tholander, J. (2007, junio). Students interacting through a cognitive apprenticeship learning environment. Recuperado de 162.pdf
Trey, L. y Khan, S. (2008). How science students can learn about unobservable phenomena using computer-based analogies. Computers & Education, 51(2), 519-529.
Underwood, J., Smith, H., Luckin, R. y Fitzpatrick, G. (2008). E-science in the classroom-towards viability. Computers & Education, 50(2), 535-546.
Vogel M., Girwidz, R. y Engel, J. (2007). Supplantation of mental operations on graphs. Computers & Education, 49(4), 1287-1298.
Yelland, N. y Masters, J. (2007). Rethinking scaffolding in the information age. Computers & Education, 48(3), 362-382.
Zurita, G. y Nussbaum, M. (2004). Computer supported collaborative learning using wirelessly interconnected handheld computers. Computers & Education, 42, 289-314.
Araujo, I., Veit, E. y Moreira, M. (2004). Atividades de modelagem computacional no ausílio à interpretação de gráficos da Cinemática. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 26(2), 179-184.
Bohigas, X., Jaén, J. y Novell, M. (2003). Applets e la enseñanza de la Física. Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 21(3), 463-472.
Cole, M. y Engeström, Y. (1993). A cultural-historical approach to distributed cognition, en G. Salomon (Comp.), Distributed cognitions. Psychological and educational considerations. Inglaterra: Cambridge University Press.
Coll, C., Mauri, T. y Onrubia, J. (2005). Technology and pedagogical practices: ICT as mediation tolos in joint teacher-student activity. Trabajo presentado en la American Educational Research Association 2005 Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canadá.
Cronjé, J. C. y Fouche, J. (2008). Alternatives in evaluating multimedia in secondary school science teaching. Computers & Education, 51(2), 485-968.
Dede, C. (Comp.). (2000). Aprendiendo con tecnología. Buenos Aires: Paidós.
Demetriadis, S. N., Papadopoulos, P. M., Stamelos, I. G. y Fischer, F. (2008). The effect of scaffolding students’ context-generating cognitive activity in technology-enhanced case-based learning. Computers & Education, 51(2), 939-954.
Dickey, M. (2008). Integrating cognitive apprenticeship methods in a Web-based educational technology course for P-12 teacher education. Computers & Education, 51(2), 506-518.
Dix, A., Roselli, T. y Sutinen, E. (2006). E-learning and human-computer interaction: Exploring design synergies for more effective learning experiences. Educational Technology & Society, 9(4), 1-2.
Evans, C. y Gibbons, N. J. (2007). The interactivity effect in multimedia learning. Computers & Education, 49(4), 1147–1160.
Gerjets, P. y Hesse, F. (2004). When are powerful learning environments effective? The role of learner activities and of students’ conceptions of educational technology. International Journal of Educational Research, 41, 445-465.
Gomes, T. y Ferracioli L. (2006). A investigação da construção de modelos no estudo de um tópico de Física utilizando um ambiente de modelagem computacional qualitativo. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 28(4), 453-461.
Heckler, V., Oliveira Saraiva, M. F. y Oliveira Filho, K. S. (2007). Uso de simuladores, imagens e animaç?es como ferramentas auxiliares no ensino/ aprendizagem de óptica. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 29(2), 267-273.
Hennessy, S., Wishart, J., Whitelock, D., Deaney, R., Brawn, R., la Velle, L., McFarlane, A., Ruthven, K. y Winterbottom, M. (2007). Pedagogical approaches for technology-integrated science teaching. Computers & Education, 48(1), 137-152.
Hrastinski, S. y Keller, C. (2007). An Examination of research approaches that underlie research on educational technology: A review from 2000 to 2004. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 36(2), 175-190.
Johsua, S. y Dupin, J. (2005). Introducción a la didáctica de las Ciencias y la Matemática. Buenos Aires: Colihue.
Jonassen, D. (2000). El diseño de entornos constructivistas de Aprendizaje, en C. Reigeluth (ed.), Diseño de la Instrucción. Teorías y modelos. Madrid: Santillana.
Jonassen, D. H. y Carr, C. (1998). Computers as mindtools for engaging learners in critical thinking. TechTrends, 43(2), 24-32
Kablan, Z. y Erden, M., (2008), Instructional efficiency of integrated and separated text with animated presentations in computer-based science instruction. Computers & Education, 51(2), 660-668.
Komis, V., Ergazaki, M. y Zogza, V. (2007). Comparing computer-supported dynamic modeling and ‘paper & pencil’ concept mapping technique in students’ collaborative activity. Computers & Education, 49, 991–1017.
Kong, S. C. (2008). The development of a cognitive tool for teaching and learning fractions in the mathematics classroom: A design-based study. Computers & Education, 51(2), 886-899.
Kozma, R. (2003). The material features of multiples representations and their cognitive and social affordances for science understanding. Learning and Instruction, 13, 205-226.
López-Morteo, G. y López, G. (2007). Computer support for learning mathematics: A learning environment based on recreational learning objects. Computers & Education, 48(4), 618–641.
Luckin, R. (2008). The learner centric ecology of resources: A framework for using technology to scaffold learning. Computers & Education, 50(2), 449-462.
Mcinnerney, J. M. y Roberts, T. (2004). Online learning: Social interaction and the creation of sense of community. Educational Technology & Society, 7(3), 73-81.
Moallem, M. (2001). Applying constructivist and objectivist learning theories in the design of a Web-based course: Implications for practice. Educational Technology & Society, 4(3).
Munneke, L., Van Amelsvoort, M. y Andriessen, J. (2003). The role of diagrams in collaborative argumentation-based learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 39, 113-131.
Novak, J. D. y Gowin, D. B. (1988). Aprendiendo a aprender. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.
Özmen, H. (2008). The influence of computer-assisted instruction on student’ conceptual understanding of chemical bonding and attitude toward chemistry: A case for Turkey. Computers & Education, 51(1), 423-438.
Philip, D. (2007). The knowledge building paradigm: A model of learning for net generation students. Innovateonline: Journal of online Education, 3(5).
Raeside, L., Busschots, B., Waddington, S. y Keating, J. G. (2008). An online image analysis tool for science education. Computers & Education, 50(2), 547-558.
Rezende, F. y de Souza Barros, S. (2008). Students’ navigation patterns in the interaction with a mechanics hypermedia program. Computers & Education, 50(4), 1370-1382.
Schepers, J. (2008). Psychological safety and social support in groupware adoption: A multi-level assessment in education. Computers & Education, 51(2), 757-775.
Stevenson, I. (2008). Tool, tutor, environment or resource: Exploring metaphors for digital technology and pedagogy using activity theory. Computers & Education, 51(2), 836-853.
Sun, K., Lin, Y. y Yu, Ch. (2008). A study on learning effect among different learning styles in a web-based lab of science for elementary school students. Computers & Education, 50(4), 1411-1422.
Syh-Jong, J. (2008). Innovations in science teacher education: Effects of integrating technology and team-teaching strategies. Computers & Education, 51(2), 646-659.
Tholander, J. (2007, junio). Students interacting through a cognitive apprenticeship learning environment. Recuperado de 162.pdf
Trey, L. y Khan, S. (2008). How science students can learn about unobservable phenomena using computer-based analogies. Computers & Education, 51(2), 519-529.
Underwood, J., Smith, H., Luckin, R. y Fitzpatrick, G. (2008). E-science in the classroom-towards viability. Computers & Education, 50(2), 535-546.
Vogel M., Girwidz, R. y Engel, J. (2007). Supplantation of mental operations on graphs. Computers & Education, 49(4), 1287-1298.
Yelland, N. y Masters, J. (2007). Rethinking scaffolding in the information age. Computers & Education, 48(3), 362-382.
Zurita, G. y Nussbaum, M. (2004). Computer supported collaborative learning using wirelessly interconnected handheld computers. Computers & Education, 42, 289-314.
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