El nuevo horizonte de la investigación pedagógica
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Barab, S. A. y Kirshner, D. (2001). Rethinking methodology in the learning sciences. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 10 (1-2), 5-15.
Brown, A. L. (1992). Design experiments. Theoretical and methodological challengers in creating complex interventions in classroom settings. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2, 141-178.
Brown, A. L. y Campione, J. C. (1996). Psychological theory and the design of innovative learning environments: On procedures, principles and systems. En L. Schauble y R. Glaser (Eds.), Innovations in learning: New environments for education (289-325). Mahwah, NJ, Estados Unidos: Elrbaum.
Chomsky, N. (1978). Problemas actuales en teoría lingüística. Madrid: Siglo XXI.
Center for Educational Research-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (1999). Innovating schools. París: Autor.
Cobb, P., Confrey, J., DiSessa, A., Lehrer, R. y Schauble, L. (2003). Design experiments in educational research. Educational Researcher, 32 (1), 9-13.
De la Orden, A. (1984). Investigación pedagógica experimental y praxis educativa. Madrid: Editorial Complutense.
Feuer, M. J., Towne, L. y Shavelson, R. J. (2002). Scientific culture and educational research. Educational Researcher, 31 (8), 4-14.
Foray, D. y Hargreaves, R. (2003). The production of knowledges in different sectors: a model and some hypotheses. London Review of Education, 1 (1), 7-20.
Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P. y Trow, M. (1994). The new production of knowledge. Londres: Sage.
Herbart, J. F. (1919). Pedagogía general derivada del fin de la educación (Trad., L. Luzuriaga). Madrid: La Lectura (Trabajo original publicado en 1806).
Hoadley, C. (2002). Creating context: Design-based research in creating and understanding CSCL. En G. Stahl (Ed.), Computer support for collaborative learning 2002 (pp. 453-462). Mahwah, NJ, Estados Unidos: Erlbaum.
Kerlinger, F. N. (1979). Behavioral research. A conceptual approach. Nueva York: Holt.
Knor-Cetina, K. (1999). Epistemic cultures. Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos: Harvard University Press.
Lay, W. A. (1928). Pedagogía experimental (Trad., J. Ruiz Manent). Barcelona: Labor. (Trabajo original publicado en 1909).
Meumann, E. (1907-1920). Vorlesungen zür einführung in die experimentelle pädagogik (3 vols.). Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.
Meumann, E. (1924). Compendio de pedagogía experimental. Barcelona: Tipografía La Educación. (Trabajo original publicado en 1914).
Nelson, R. (1999). Knowledge and innovation systems. En Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Knowledge management in the learning society (pp. 115-124). París: OECD publishing.
Scriven, M. (1980). Self-referent research. Educational Researcher, 9 (6), 11-18
Shavelson, R. J., Phillips, D.C., Towne, L. y Feuer, M. J. (2003). On the science of education design studies. Educational Researcher, 32 (1), 25-28.
Simon, H.A. (1981). The sciences of the artificial (2ª ed.). Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos: The MIT Press.
Slavin, R. E. (2002). Evidence-based education policies: Transforming educational practices and research. Educational Researcher, 31 (7) ,15-22.
The Design-Based Research Collective. (2003). Design-based research: An emerging paradigm for educational inquire. Educational Researcher, 32 (1), 5-8.
Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: learning, meaning and identity. Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos: Cambridge University Press.
Willmann, O. (1923). Teoría de la formación humana. Madrid. (Trabajo original publicado en 1882-1889).
Brown, A. L. (1992). Design experiments. Theoretical and methodological challengers in creating complex interventions in classroom settings. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2, 141-178.
Brown, A. L. y Campione, J. C. (1996). Psychological theory and the design of innovative learning environments: On procedures, principles and systems. En L. Schauble y R. Glaser (Eds.), Innovations in learning: New environments for education (289-325). Mahwah, NJ, Estados Unidos: Elrbaum.
Chomsky, N. (1978). Problemas actuales en teoría lingüística. Madrid: Siglo XXI.
Center for Educational Research-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (1999). Innovating schools. París: Autor.
Cobb, P., Confrey, J., DiSessa, A., Lehrer, R. y Schauble, L. (2003). Design experiments in educational research. Educational Researcher, 32 (1), 9-13.
De la Orden, A. (1984). Investigación pedagógica experimental y praxis educativa. Madrid: Editorial Complutense.
Feuer, M. J., Towne, L. y Shavelson, R. J. (2002). Scientific culture and educational research. Educational Researcher, 31 (8), 4-14.
Foray, D. y Hargreaves, R. (2003). The production of knowledges in different sectors: a model and some hypotheses. London Review of Education, 1 (1), 7-20.
Gibbons, M., Limoges, C., Nowotny, H., Schwartzman, S., Scott, P. y Trow, M. (1994). The new production of knowledge. Londres: Sage.
Herbart, J. F. (1919). Pedagogía general derivada del fin de la educación (Trad., L. Luzuriaga). Madrid: La Lectura (Trabajo original publicado en 1806).
Hoadley, C. (2002). Creating context: Design-based research in creating and understanding CSCL. En G. Stahl (Ed.), Computer support for collaborative learning 2002 (pp. 453-462). Mahwah, NJ, Estados Unidos: Erlbaum.
Kerlinger, F. N. (1979). Behavioral research. A conceptual approach. Nueva York: Holt.
Knor-Cetina, K. (1999). Epistemic cultures. Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos: Harvard University Press.
Lay, W. A. (1928). Pedagogía experimental (Trad., J. Ruiz Manent). Barcelona: Labor. (Trabajo original publicado en 1909).
Meumann, E. (1907-1920). Vorlesungen zür einführung in die experimentelle pädagogik (3 vols.). Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelmann.
Meumann, E. (1924). Compendio de pedagogía experimental. Barcelona: Tipografía La Educación. (Trabajo original publicado en 1914).
Nelson, R. (1999). Knowledge and innovation systems. En Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Knowledge management in the learning society (pp. 115-124). París: OECD publishing.
Scriven, M. (1980). Self-referent research. Educational Researcher, 9 (6), 11-18
Shavelson, R. J., Phillips, D.C., Towne, L. y Feuer, M. J. (2003). On the science of education design studies. Educational Researcher, 32 (1), 25-28.
Simon, H.A. (1981). The sciences of the artificial (2ª ed.). Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos: The MIT Press.
Slavin, R. E. (2002). Evidence-based education policies: Transforming educational practices and research. Educational Researcher, 31 (7) ,15-22.
The Design-Based Research Collective. (2003). Design-based research: An emerging paradigm for educational inquire. Educational Researcher, 32 (1), 5-8.
Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: learning, meaning and identity. Cambridge, MA, Estados Unidos: Cambridge University Press.
Willmann, O. (1923). Teoría de la formación humana. Madrid. (Trabajo original publicado en 1882-1889).
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