About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa (REDIE) (ISSN 1607-4041) is published on a rolling basis and disseminates research by academics and professionals with an interest in educational practices from different fields of knowledge and a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives.

Focus areas:

  • Teaching method innovations
  • Educational experience, educational practice and educational quality
  • Educational policy
  • Inclusion
  • Educational technology
  • Educational personnel training
  • Educational evaluation
  • Educational management

By its nature, the journal is international in scope and publishes contributions in Spanish and English, subject to a rigorous double-blind peer review.

REDIE’s overarching objective is to communicate relevant, up-to-date information in the field of education.

Types of collaborations

All work published in REDIE must relate to education and be original, rigorous, and well-founded. Work submitted must not have been published previously and must not currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

a) Empirical research articles, which present the final results of a socially pertinent and academically relevant study and, in general, draw on an exhaustive and up-to-date review of literature on the topic of interest, employ a formal methodology, and offer results that have been rigorously analyzed based on various types of conceptual and statistical tools. REDIE gives priority to this type of work.

b) Review articles, which offer a meta-analysis and exhaustive critical assessment of the state of art of a given area or object of study within the field of education. This type of work is focused on describing the state of art of the area of study concerned, making it possible to identify relationships, contradictions and inconsistencies while offering suggestions for future research.


The journal does not accept opinion pieces or informal essays, work with no theoretical grounding, incipient or unfinished studies, narratives, personal or institutional anecdotes or experiences, pedagogical proposals with no empirical evidence, book summaries, poorly drafted work or articles with little connection to core issues in education.

Code of ethics

REDIE subscribes to the code of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available at publicationethics.org, for the conduct and practice of all those involved in this journal’s publication process (editors, Editorial Committee, authors, and reviewers).

Publication Frequency

REDIE is published on a rolling basis.

Peer Review Process

Contributions must pass the academic review process, which operates on a double-blind, peer-review basis, with both the authors and reviewers remaining anonymous.

  1. Papers that pass the editorial review will be sent to expert academics in the same discipline and subject area as the text submitted. Reviewers will be selected from a pool of referees made up of specialists from national and international institutions, who will comment on the relevance and quality of the manuscript proposed and assess the feasibility of publishing it.
  2. It will be the responsibility of the reviewers to check and assess whether manuscripts offer an original contribution to educational research and whether the theoretical references and methodology are pertinent, and to determine the relevance of the findings described.
  3. All texts will be sent two experts (affiliated with a different institution to the authors) who will provide comments. Finally, based on the reviewers’ recommendations, the editor’s will issue a decision as follows:

    Positive Positive Accepted
    Positive Negative Paper sent to referee C,
    whose decision will be final and
    not open to appeal
    Positive Conditional
    (subject to changes
    and resubmission)
    The corrected paper is returned to
    the reviewer, who approves or declines publication (2nd round)
    Negative Conditional
    (subject to changes and resubmission)
    Negative Negative Rejected

  4. In all cases, the editorial board shall ensure that reviewers’ opinions sent to authors contain solid arguments that support the decision.
  5. In no case may the results of the academic review process be appealed.
  6. The turnaround time for the peer review decision will depend on the number of papers pending. Once the author receives confirmation that the paper has been received, the estimated time required to issue the opinion is from 3 to 6 months.
  7. If revisions are required, the author shall have four weeks to make changes and resubmit the manuscript.
  8. On receiving the paper, referees shall have four weeks to conduct a review and deliver their opinion.
  9. Editing begins on accepted manuscripts (proofreading, reorganization and layout, metadata marking, etc.) for subsequent publication, based on the decision of the editorial board.
  10. Once the editorial process is complete, the preliminary version of the text will be sent to authors for their final review and approval. Authors shall have three calendar days to give their approval and if no comments are received in that time, the journal’s editorial director shall assume the authors’ tacit approval.

The review criteria that justify the decision to accept or reject a manuscript are:

  • Contribution and relevance to scientific knowledge (national and international)
  • Clear language and consistency in writing
  • Methodological rigor
  • Relevance and topicality of theoretical references
  • Data analysis and argumentation


Because of the quality criteria handled by the magazine over its history, and its impact on the scientific community in the field of education, particularly in Latin America, the REDIE has received recognition from various national and international organizations, through its incorporation into the different indexes and databases:


Directories and databases


National and international certifications

Last update: January, 2022.


Universidad Autónoma de Baja California