TIMSS 2011: Relationship between self-confidence and cognitive achievement for Serbia and Slovenia


  • Gordana Miscevic Kadijevic Faculty of Education, Serbia

Palabras clave:

student achievement, fourth grade, TIMSS, self-confidence, science liking

Agencias de apoyo:

The research reported in this article was financially supported by Serbian Ministry of Education and Science under project No 179020 (Conceptions and strategies that provide the quality of basic education)


By using TIMSS Grade 4 2011 science data for Serbia and Slovenia, this study examined which of two dimensions towards science learning (self-confidence in learning science, or liking learning science), if any, was primarily related to students' cognitive achievement in science. This achievement was considered for three cognitive domains, namely: Knowing, Applying, and Reasoning. The analysis revealed that, in both countries, achievement was mainly linked to self-confidence in each of the three cognitive domains. Because of positive correlations, classroom work may be improved by including, whenever possible, activities aimed at strengthening students' beliefs in their own abilities to learn science.


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