Annex 5

Questionnaire for teachers of Northwest University’s Get Ahead program.

Objective: To make a study of the curriculums of the degree programs in the Business Administration and Accounting Program Get Ahead, as part of the requirements for the subject of Curriculum Development in Northwestern University’s Master’s Degree Curriculum Development in Education program.
The information you provide will be treated with absolute confidence.

Instructions for filling out the questionnaire: Please read each question carefully, and answer each one in the manner indicated.


Mark your answer with an X:

Age: ____ ___Sex:__ ___ M _____ F

Last level obtained (degree)
__BA or BS __Master’s __Specialty __Doctorate

Institution from which you were graduated ________________________

Subjects you teach in the Get Ahead program: _____________________

Degree program in which you teach in the Get Ahead program:
__ BBA __ __CPA

Year you started work in the Get Ahead program: _______

How long have you been teaching?
____ In higher education
____ In another level (specify) _________

1.-Do you know the school’s regulations? ___ Yes __ ___No

2.-We are interested in your opinion of the quality of the services listed below.

3.- Identify four aspects of training you consider relevant for facing the new ways of generating economic riches:

_ Communications practices _ Strategic planning
_ Knowledge development _ Systems innovation
_ Open and flexible thought _ Professional updating
_ Information management _ Management practices
  _ Cultivation of creativity

4.- Identify four strategic priority factors used to achieve competitive advantages in an organization:

_ Competency _ Products
_ Supplies and service _ Portfolio recovery
_ Mind of the client _ Environmental phenomena
_ Publicity _ Personnel training

5.- What are the four current topics you consider in preparing your classes?

_ TLC _ Human capital
_ Businesses of competencies _ Technology used
_ Finances _ Management practices
_ Information and communications systems _ Globalization of the economy
_ Fiscal reforms _ Human resources

6.- Mark four concepts identified with future business trends.

_ Foresight _ Mass production
_ Active intangibles _ Capital/innovation
_ Formal planning _ Rejection of change
_ Teamwork _ Vision
_ Active tangibles _ Hierarchical structure

7.- In future scenarios, mark four industries considered basic to generate wealth and competitiveness

_ Microelectronics _ Assembly plant
_ Robotics/machine-tool _ Biotechnology
_ Steel and materials _ Oil
_ Telecommunications _ Automotive

8.- Do you use specialized software to explain fiscal and accounting issues to students?
__Yes (specify)____________ ___ ___No

9.- How often do you draw on the work experiences of your students to create learning situations?
__Always __Frequently __Sometimes __Never

10.- How often do you present in-class examples based on the real-life practice of the profession?
__Always __Frequently __Sometimes __Never

11.- Do you promote the use of new communication and information technologies to generate knowledge in your students?
__Always __Frequently __Sometimes __Never

12.- What is the role of the manager or accountant in future scenarios? Check one box.

_ Predominant _ Broad and integrational
_ With another focus _ Stagnant
_ Shared with another profession _ It will disappear.
  _ Other (specify)

13.- Do you think that the theoretical basis of the subjects taught in the program is related to professional practice?
__Not at all __A little __Partly __Very much

14.- Do you share experiences with your students in their search for skills development?
__Always __Frequently __Sometimes __Never

15.- In what type of institution do you work?
___ Public ___ ___ Private

16.- Check the branches or sectors of the economy of enterprises or institutions where you work.

_ Agricultural and livestock, forestry, etc. _ Extractive industry
_ Processing Industry _ Construction Industry
_ Trade _ Tourism
_ Banking, finance and insurance services _ And Professional Services
_ Education _ Transport/ communications
_ Government services _ Other (specify) _____________

17.-What type of work activity are you currently doing?

_ Management _ Financial Analysis
_Training _ Teaching
_Project coordination _ Marketing
_Consultancy _ Planning
_Advertisement _ Monitoring
_Research _ Diagnostics
_Organizational activities _ Administrative activities
_Sales _ Own business
_Evaluation _Other _________

18.- Mention three subjects you think should be incorporated into the present curriculum.

19.- Mention three subjects you think should be eliminated from the present curriculum.

20.- In which of these areas do you think the institution offers you possibilities for development?

_ Teacher updating _ Merit pay
_ Professional advancement _ Postgraduate studies

_ Scholarships

_ None
_ Academic mobility _ Others
_ Updating courses (specify)_________

21.- Name three values you promote for professional and ethical training in your class.

22.- What are the benefits do you find in the competencies plan proposed in the program?
Check one option.
_ Innovation, adaptation and learning.
_ Attributes, knowledge, abilities and skills.
_ Contingency solution.
_ Use and promotion of creative capacity

23.- Prior knowledge of the students entering the institution, are:
__ Very adequate __Adequate __Somewhat adequate

24.- Do you apply some type of diagnostic evaluation to identify students’ skill level?:
Yes (specify)____________________________________

25. Have you taken a course on learning strategies during the past year? ___Yes -- ___No

26. Point out three of the strategies you use most often to teach your classes.

_ Graphics recovery _ Concept maps
_ Troubleshooting _ Analogies
_ Double-entry matrix _ Case studies
  _ Other (specify) ______________

27.- Point out two didactic techniques you use most often.

_ Presentation by teacher _ Small groups
_ Problem-solving in real situations _ Interaction (student-teacher)
_ Directed reading _ Symposium
_ Group discussion _ Panel
_ Phillips 6-6 _ Projects
_ Seminar _ Debate
  _ Other (specify)________

28.- In teaching the course, in what apart of it do you apply evaluatory examinations to your students?
__Beginning, middle and end __ __Beginning and end __ __Only at the end.

29.- By what means do you evaluate your students?

_ Written examination
_ Oral examination
_ Individual assignments _ Team assignments
_ Presentations _ Practices
_ Daily work _ Projects
_ Others (specify)_______________


©Curriculum Development Course, February, 2002