Annex 4 Objective: To make a study of the curriculums of the degree programs in the Business Administration and Accounting Program Get Ahead, as part of the requirements for the subject of Curriculum Development in Northwestern University’s Master’s Degree Curriculum Development in Education program. The information you provide will be treated with absolute confidence. Instructions for filling out the questionnaire: Please read each question carefully, and answer each one in the manner indicated. GENERAL DATA Quarter in which you are currently enrolled ______ AGE
Present occupation: _______________________________ Civil status: __Married __Single __Divorced __Widowed 1. - What type of high school did you complete? 2. - Year you were graduated from high school ___________ 3. - Have you taken college courses before? __YES __NO
4. - Do you know the school regulations? __YES __NO 5. - We are interested in your opinion of the quality of the services listed below.
6. - Identify four aspects you consider relevant for facing the new ways of generating economic riches:
7. - Identify four strategic priority factors used to achieve competitive advantages in an organization:
8. - Mark four current topics which the teachers approach in their classes.
9. - Mark four concepts identified with the company’s possible future trends.
10. - Identify four industries which in the future will be fundamental in generating riches and competitiveness:
11. - Do the teachers teach and explain the accounting and administrative processes using a specialized software?
12. - Do the teachers promote the use of information and communications
technology as part of professional training? 13. - How do you visualize the field of action of your profession in the future?
14. - Mention three values which the teachers promote in their classes for ethical-professional training: 15. - How frequently do the teachers present examples based on the reality
of the exercise of the profession? 16. - Mark the abilities you develop in your studies:
17. - Do you consider social service necessary for your training?
18. - Is your present work different from the course you are studying?
19. - Do you think there are enough jobs for BBAs and CPAs? __Yes __No 20.- Are there areas of development for degree program professionals that are NOT considered in the current curriculum?
21. - What is your net salary (including bonuses and benefits)? $_________ 22. - Does the teacher recognize the students’ individual learning
styles? 23. - Mark three of the strategies your teachers used with most frequency in giving their classes:
24. - Do the teachers share their work experiences in search of the development
of professional competencies? 25. - Does the teacher draw on your experience to create learning situations? 26. - Did you know that the Get Ahead program is based on the competencies plan? __Yes __No 27. - With which of these phrases do you identify the competencies plan
of your curriculum? 28. - By what means are you evaluated by your teachers?
29.- When you enrolled in this program, did you take a competency-based placement examination? __Yes __No 30. - Give three main reasons that influenced you to choose
the Get Ahead program.